Meeting Name: Federated City Employees' Retirement System and Federated City Employees' Health Care Trust Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/15/2024 8:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Wing Rooms 118 - 120 200 E. Santa Clara St. San Jose, CA 95113
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: FED Board 8-15-24 audio  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-7986 1A. ItemCLOSED SESSION: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957(b)(1). Position: Chief Investment Officer.   Action details Not available
14-7987 1B. ItemCLOSED SESSION: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957(b)(1). Position: Chief Executive Officer.   Action details Not available
14-7945 1a. ItemJessica Flores, Office Specialist II, Independent Police Auditor, effective June 13, 2024; 18.20* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-8018 1b. Service RetirementRobert A. Johnson, Senior Maintenance Worker, Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services, effective August 3, 2024; 16.73* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-7946 1c. Service RetirementKaral F. Kemp, Code Enforcement Inspector II, Planning, Building and Code Enforcement Department, effective September 7, 2024; 5.59* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-7947 1d. Service RetirementPatrick J. Lydon, Building Inspector Combination, Planning, Building and Code Enforcement Department, effective August 17, 2024; 25.72* years of service. (With Reciprocity - 24.70 CSJ + 1.02 PERS = 25.72 YOS)   Action details Not available
14-7951 1e. Service RetirementCarolyn A. Montonye, Public Safety Communication Specialist, Police Department, effective August 23, 2024; 20.53* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-7952 1f. Service RetirementKerrie Romanow, Director, Environmental Services Department, effective August 3, 2024; 17.89* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-7954 1g. Service RetirementJudy M. Ross, Assistant Director, Airport Department, effective August 31, 2024; 9.19* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-7955 1h. Service RetirementNeil Rufino, Assistant Director, Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services, effective August 31, 2024; 28.12* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-7956 1i.. Service RetirementDeborah Sattler, Senior Accountant, Office of Retirement Services, effective August 3, 2024; 12.26* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-7957 1j. Service RetirementLinden A. Skjeie, Supervising Environmental Services Specialist, Environmental Services Department, effective July 24, 2024; 25.60* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-8032 1k. Service RetirementRobert A. Sotelo, Associate Construction Inspector, Department of Transportation, effective September 14, 2024; 27.51* years of service.   Action details Not available
14-7960 1a. Board Minutes ApprovalApproval of the Board Minutes of June 20, 2024.   Action details Not available
14-7961 1b. Board Minutes ApprovalApproval of the Joint Board Minutes from July 1, 2024.   Action details Not available
14-7962 1a. Return ContributionsVoluntary | Involuntary   Action details Not available
14-7963 1a. Communication/Information ReportReport of the Monthly Board Expenses for May 2024. Receive and file.   Action details Not available
14-8028 1b. Communication/Information ReportEducational Travel Reports: · Public Fund Summit East, Newport Marriott, Newport, RI, July 22 - 24, 2024 - by Anurag Chandra.   Action details Not available
14-7964 1a. Travel/Conference AttendancePrabhu Palani · Fiduciary Investors Symposium, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, September 17 - 19, 2024.   Action details Not available
14-8033 1b. Communication/Information ReportReimbursement - Public Fund Summit East, Newport Marriott, Newport, RI, July 22 - 24, 2024 by Anurag Chandra.   Action details Not available
14-7965 1a. Change of Retirement ApplcationApproval for a change in effective date for Theresa Ramos, Senior Analyst, Housing Department, from June 6, 2024, to July 20, 2024, for a Service Retirement approved at the June 20, 2024 Board meeting.   Action details Not available
14-7966 1a. Alternate BeneficiaryApproval of Alternate Payee Benefit election of Lifetime Monthly Payment Option to be paid to Sharon Palladino, ex-spouse of Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor, Anthony Palladino to be effective July 15, 2024, under Chapter 3.28, Part 23 of the San Jose Municipal Code.   Action details Not available
14-8026 1a. Report out of Closed SessionReport out of Closed Sessions from May 16, 2024 and June 20, 2024 Federated Board Meetings Regarding Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to Section 54956.9(d)(2): One Case.   Action details Not available
14-8034 1b. Report out of Closed SessionReport out of closed session from the May 16, 2024 Federated Board Meeting - Investments.   Action details Not available
14-7967 1a. InvestmentsOral update by CIO, Prabhu Palani.   Action details Not available
14-7968 1a. ItemOral update by CEO, Roberto L. Peña.   Action details Not available
14-7971 1b. ItemOral update from the City Council Liaison to the Board and stated that a MOU was reached between the Board and approved by City Council for the operations of ORS. Trustee Linder commented, and Chair Horowitz thanks Vice-Chair Jennings and Trustee Linder for their work on negotiating the MOU on behalf of the Board.   Action details Not available
14-7972 1c. ItemDiscussion and action on authorizing the CEO to negotiate and execute a fourth amendment to the agreement with ExamWorks to increase the not to exceed amount by $135,000, from $200,000 to $335,000, through the end of the current term of the agreement on December 31, 2025.   Action details Not available
14-7973 1d. ItemDiscussion and action on adoption of updated City Non-Management Performance Program Policy No. 3.3.3 with Revised Date of June 25, 2024, for ORS Operations, approved by City on June 25, 2024.   Action details Not available
14-7974 1e. ItemDiscussion and action on the 2025 Scheduled Board and Standing Committee Meetings.   Action details Not available
14-7988 1f. ItemDiscussion and action to approve and for the Chair to execute the employment contract negotiated by designated labor negotiators for new CEO.   Action details Not available
14-7989 1g. ItemDiscussion and action for development of CEO transition plan with Cortex Consulting in lieu of CEO performance evaluation.   Action details Not available
14-7990 1h. ItemDiscussion and action for the appointment of an ad-hoc liaison to assist in transition plan for new CEO, along with Cortex.   Action details Not available
14-7975 1a. ItemOral update from the Chair of the Investment Committee.   Action details Not available
14-7976 1a. ItemOral update from the Chair of the Audit/Risk Committee.   Action details Not available
14-7977 1a. ItemOral update from the Chair of the Governance Committee.   Action details Not available
14-7978 1b. ItemDiscussion and action regarding City Finance Department’s requested changes to retirement boards’ adopted Trustee Educational Travel Policy.   Action details Not available
14-8049 1c. ItemDiscussion and action regarding adoption of proposed internal ORS Policy for procurement and contracting for professional and critical plan administrative services/goods for ORS operations.   Action details Not available
14-7979 1a. ItemOral update from the Chair of the Disability Committee.   Action details Not available
14-8011 1b. ItemMinutes of the Federated Disability Committee meeting from June 5, 2024. Receive and file.   Action details Not available
14-8012 1c. ItemFederated Disability Retirement Applications Dashboard.   Action details Not available
14-8013 1d. ItemOverview of the Age of Federated Disability Applications.   Action details Not available
14-8015 1e. ItemFeedback on Federated Disability Retirement Application Rules and Procedures.   Action details Not available
14-7980 1a. ItemOral update from the Chair of the Joint Personnel Committee.   Action details Not available
14-7981 1a. Education & TrainingCALAPRS 2024 Program Calendar.   Action details Not available
14-7982 1b. Education & TrainingCALAPRS, Principles of Pension Governance for Trustees, The Lodge at Tiburon, Tiburon, CA, August 26 - 29, 2024.   Action details Not available
14-7983 1c. Education & TrainingPublic Funds Forum, Laguna Beach, CA, September 3 - 5, 2024.   Action details Not available
14-7984 1d. Education & TrainingSACRS Annual Fall Conference 2024, Hyatt Regency Hotel and Spa, Monterey, CA, November 12 - 15, 2024.   Action details Not available
14-7985 1e. Education & TrainingThe Cortex Report - September 2024, Conferences, Seminars and Educational Programs.   Action details Not available